One audience member’s view…

I can’t begin to tell you how blown away I was by your play. To start with, the script was phenomenal. The ideas, sentiments, and relatable human experience were all searing, on point, and deep-seated. The playwright liberated us by saying openly what we rarely dare to allow to surface: spiritual ambivalence and doubt, identity crises, dashed hopes, trashed self-esteem, and questions about our purpose and the meaning of all of this! A play that defogs our own mirrors is a good one…and this one was brilliant. 

Addiction is a tough sell…people don’t want to think about it, or be reminded of it…kinda like death…it’s truly an awkward subject but one that BEGS to have the bright light shown on it. This play stirred me up…made me truly more empathetic to the complexity of addiction and the demons we all face due to our common human nature and vulnerability. And who would believe that a little nuclear, intact, all-American family could be such a dangerous place to grow up? This play drove that home in a very believable way. 

And now the production. WOW! BRILLIANT! MAGICAL, BUT MEASURED…just enough of everything (props, costumes, lighting, blocking and movement) to make our suspension of disbelief effortless. Anything else would have been clunky and awkward. The magic of live theater is that it’s LIVING! And your actors made it so real that we felt a little like peeping Toms (and Tomasinas). That miraculous vantage point we were afforded and the intimacy of the setting propelled us into authentic empathy…not just toward the actors and the characters they played but toward the future players we will meet on our own life stages. 

In my opinion, that is the measure of a successful play: the degree to which we internalize, empathize, and assimilate and share the experience long after we exit the theater. THIS will be one of those plays for me. Your actors were phenomenal. Taigé was incredible! It must feel like being possessed…having another person take over your body and your mind for several hours…Taigé really inhabited Sarah’s persona (and vice versa, I’m sure!) How exhausting, physically, mentally and spiritually it must be to become the medium for the message. She was so convincing and real. Sarah will forever be a friend of mine…one I believe in and one I’m proud of. I am quite certain I will meet MANY Sarahs along the way (as well as ALL of those amazing characters brought to life by your expert and clever cast) and I will now know more empathy and have better tools for celebrating their victories and easing their pain. Like I said…that HAS to be the point of good theater and story telling! Thanks soooo much for this unforgettable experience. I am truly changed.

– Martin Brown