TAZ Theatre

Thank you Tucson!
For supporting our inaugural main stage production.
We could not have done it without YOU!

“This powerful production by new company TAZ deserves overflowing audiences.”
– By: Kathy Allen

Read the entire review here: https://taztheatre.com/kathy-allen-review/

One audience member’s view… 

“Sarah will forever be a friend of mine…one I believe in and one I’m proud of. I am quite certain I will meet MANY Sarahs along the way (as well as ALL of those amazing characters brought to life by your expert and clever cast) and I will now know more empathy and have better tools for celebrating their victories and easing their pain. Like I said…that HAS to be the point of good theater and story telling! Thanks soooo much for this unforgettable experience. I am truly changed” – Martin Brown

Read the entire review here: https://taztheatre.com/one-audience-members-view/

“This company has carved out a place in Tucson theatre and audiences need to see this show.  Robert Encila has staged an intimate and powerful production.  PEOPLE, PLACES & THINGS is that rare play that audience members may find themselves wanting to return to for an additional viewing.”
– By: Zach Wetzel, Broadway World.

Read the entire review here: https://www.broadwayworld.com/phoenix/article/Review-PEOPLE-PLACES-THINGS-at-TAZ-Theatre-Company-20240517

“People, Places and Things” is an auspicious debut for TAZ, introducing a theater company that intends to be taken seriously.”
– By; Chuck Graham, TucsonStage.com

Read the entire review here: https://tucsonstage.blogspot.com/2024/05/taz-theatre-company-makes-its-debut.html

Presentated with the generous support of our Producer sponsor :

And our Performer sponsor:

And our Designer sponsor: